

Providing voting leave for employees is the right thing to do

  • Posted on October 27, 2020
  • Estimated reading time 2 minutes
Providing voting leave for employees is the right thing to do

The following blog post was written by Avanade alum Dave Seybold.

As Election Day approaches, we know that it will look a little different this year. Early turnout has already smashed the numbers from 2016, and there has been more attention than ever to fair and equitable voting access. The U.S. political system was founded on free and fair elections, and it is the ultimate duty of each citizen to vote and make their voice heard. Some report voting lines that last hours and hours, which can be a concern with other commitments, from employment to childcare.

At Avanade, one of our values is that everyone counts, which could not be more applicable to this topic. A few weeks ago, as early voting opened up in states across the country, I wanted to take a moment to remind our employees in the U.S. of our voting leave policy. This policy provides paid leave for employees to exercise their right to vote – no one should have to worry about allotting sick or vacation time to do their civic duty. We often talk about wanting our employees to feel “inspired, confident and cared for,” and providing voting leave is just a way for us to care for our people.

As a Baltimore resident, both early and in-mail voting are available to me. I sent my ballot in a few weeks ago and am eagerly awaiting confirmation! For those who plan to vote in person, I hope Avanade’s policy provides the support and flexibility for them to do so safely and without stress.

We also know that many areas are facing challenges finding enough volunteers on Election Day to serve as non-partisan poll workers. With that in mind, we also reminded employees that they can use their yearly allotment of volunteer hours to serve at the polls and do their part to help the system work for everyone. In a year when many have needed extra help from their communities, I’m proud of how many Avanade employees have invested in corporate citizenship.

With just a few days left before the voting deadline, I encourage all of you to vote, whether it’s in person or by mail. Never forget that your voice matters.

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