
Redefine the role (and reignite the potential) of your stores

Physical stores remain the heart of retail. But now more than ever, new approaches are required – to deliver experiences with impact. Today’s savvy, connected customers expect to shop where and when they want, with a cohesive experience that allows them to move seamlessly between online and in-store shopping.

Physical retail is the catalyst for competitive advantage and conscientious operation. Retailers have a unique opportunity in front of them, to revitalise their stores by becoming more data-driven and digitally focused. Through this, they can meet customers in their ‘moment of truth’, supported by a workforce that’s always at its best, and also drive profitability (with a purpose).

It’s time to reignite physical retail. Harness the potential of your stores by focusing on elevating experiences, empowering employees, maximising the value of your data and optimising operations.

Kickstart your intelligent store journey

The Reignite Physical Retail Accelerator is a customised workshop that helps you envision and accelerate your intelligent store transformation, as well as capitalise on the potential of your data. By engaging with the accelerator, you’ll walk away with a transformation plan and roadmap, customer journey designs for key personas, a service blueprint and a concept prototype.

Learn more about the Reignite Physical Retail Accelerator

Intelligent store insights

Our latest thinking and perspectives on physical retail

Trust Avanade to steer your physical retail transformation

  • Together with Accenture, we are Microsoft’s GSI partner of the year for 2023: the 18th time we’ve taken that acclaimed title.
  • We were finalist for the Retail and Consumer Goods partner of the year award in 2023 – and 2022.
  • Alongside Accenture, we’re trusted by 94% of the top global retailers to help drive their Microsoft-led transformation.
  • Leading retailers rely on Avanade thanks to the unique and unparallelled relationship with Microsoft, our Accenture heritage of deep industry expertise, the peerless technical and experience design pedigree of our people, our breadth of capabilities and the wide range of Microsoft ecosystem and ISV partnerships.

Client stories

Delivering end-to-end transformation for the world’s leading retailers

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