
Last updated on July 20, 2016

Job Applicant Data Privacy Statement

Avanade is committed to respecting the privacy of its job applicants. All Avanade employees and contractors have the duty to protect the personal data of job applicants. Personal data is information that can identify a person, such as name, address, telephone number, and email address.

1. Scope and Application

We may undertake actions and/or operations (e.g., access, collection, use) that impact the personal data of job applicants in connection with our recruiting activities (“process”).

We may use third party service providers for these processes. In cases where third-party service providers process personal data on our behalf, the service provider is bound by written contract to process the personal data only for the purposes of providing the specific service, and to maintain appropriate security measures to protect the data.

2. Avanade’s Handling Guidelines

The personal data of job applicants will be handled as follows:

  • We will only collect personal data that is necessary to accomplish our recruiting purposes
  • We will not seek to collect personal data known as sensitive personal data unless we need to do so to meet our obligations, address an exceptional circumstance, or exercise our rights under employment law. Sensitive personal data is specifically comprised of personal data that relates to:
    • Racial or ethnic origin
    • Political opinions
    • Religious or other similar beliefs
    • Trade union membership
    • Physical or mental health; or
    • Sexual life.
  • We will process personal data only if one of the following conditions is met:
    • a job applicant has given consent
    • we need to process personal data to evaluate the job applicant’s eligibility for employment
    • we need to carry out the processing: (1) to execute, or take steps with the view of entering into, a contract with the job applicant; (2) to comply with legal obligations; or, (3) to protect the vital interests of the job applicant in a ‘life or death’ situation; or
    • our legitimate interests require the processing, and those interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights of the job applicant
  • We will inform job applicants of our identity, our intended use of their personal data (which will be updated if the personal data is going to be used in any new or different way), and the possibility of international transfers and/or if that personal data is globally accessible when the personal data is collected from the job applicant directly or, as soon as reasonably feasible, when personal data is collected indirectly (i.e., from a publicly available source).
  • Where it is legally required, we will provide requesting job applicants with access to their personal data that we have stored, and will give them the opportunity to correct, amend, or delete their information where it is inaccurate, except (if and to the extent permitted by applicable law) where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to their privacy, or where the rights of persons other than the job applicants would be violated.
  • We have implemented procedures and systems that are designed to:
    • limit us from collecting excessive personal data
    • enable us to keep the personal data accurate; and
    • process personal data only for the purposes specified to job applicants
  • We have implemented procedures and systems that are designed to enable us to only keep personal data for as long as the purpose for which it has been collected requires (unless applicable law requires it be kept longer).
  • We have in place appropriate organizational, physical and technical security arrangements to protect personal data. These arrangements will include arrangements for ‘need to know’ access to personal data.

3. When one Avanade entity processes personal data on behalf of another Avanade entity

If one Avanade entity processes personal data on behalf of another Avanade entity, the former will follow the instructions of the latter entity to comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as with these principles, including the obligation to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures designed to protect the personal data.

4. When Avanade collects your personal data via its sites

We collect personal data through our sites in two ways: (1) passively (for example, through our website's technology), and (2) actively (for example, if you send us an e-mail request).

When you visit our site, our software automatically collects some information from your computer. The information includes:

  • Information about your computer, including (where available) your IP address, operating system and browser type,
  • Details of your visits to our site and the resources that you access (including but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data). Please see the Cookies statement for more information.
  • Avanade will also use and process information submitted by you for Avanade’s internal analytics purposes in order to advance our Core Values and Code of Business Ethics, particularly on diversity.
  • We also collect personal data when you voluntarily submit it to us. For example, personal data that you provide by filling in forms on our site. This includes registering to use the site, subscribing to services, newsletters and alerts, requesting a white paper or applying for a job. Pages that collect this type of information may provide further information as to why your data is needed and how it will be used. It is completely up to you whether you want to provide it.
  • If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
  • Responses to surveys that we distribute in which you elect to participate.
  • Any postings, comments or other content that you upload or post to an Avanade site.

When this information relates to or identifies you, we will treat it as “personal data”.

Questions related to this Job Applicant Data Privacy Statement can be sent to dataprivacy@avanade.com

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