Delivery Management
Account Technology Strategist - Director - Public Services
Pays: Canada
Villes: Ottawa
Description du poste

With the introduction of Client Groups, aligned to a grouping of industries, we created an opportunity to further focus on clients by industry. Client groups are aligned to Accenture’s current Industry Groups: CMT, Resources, Products, Health & Public Services and Financial Services. The Client Group Model enables us to scale across multiple clients within an industry group.  

Continuing the journey, we are excited to extend the value of Client Groups in the region by creating Account Service teams that can offer industry-led, dedicated services to our clients. Account Service Teams can help us:  

  • Better serve our clients from sales through delivery by truly understanding their business from an industry perspective.  
  • Work together better as a team with tight knit groups that will focus on a specific set of accounts within an account.  
  • Increase our efficiency and grow our business through consistent teamwork, sharing of best practices and industry knowledge.    

We have seen some of our best client results when we have dedicated delivery, advisory, sales and technology teams serving our client’s needs and Account Service Teams create the environment to make that happen.    

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Détails supplémentaires
As an Account Technology Strategist, you will support client relationships and work with the account team and key region stakeholders to translate client industry business goals to technology outcomes, through the Microsoft platform. You will drive technical-thought leadership with a long-term view for how client(s) can successfully manage, operate & secure their technology platform. You will keep up to date on emerging technology and how to apply it to client(s). Your goal will be to ensure your clients most pressing and long-term business challenges are met with Avanade’s most relevant industry-led solutions. Together we do what matters.
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Amérique du Nord


Europe et Moyen-Orient (EME)


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Siège social

Amérique du Nord
Siège social mondial
1191 Second Avenue
Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98101

30 Fenchurch Street



Marchés en expansion
Siège Singapour
Avanade Asia Pte Ltd
250 North Bridge Road
#30-03 Raffles City Tower
Singapour 179101