
How Immersive Technology is enabling change and a positive human impact for the MedTech and manufacturing sectors.

Immersive technologies are moving past the hype thanks to visionary leaders and high value use cases.

Listen as Rob Hazelton and Tom Nall draw from their experience in health and life sciences and manufacturing to discuss how MedTech, commonly referred to as medical device manufacturing, are using extended reality solutions to make a positive human impact and enable continual change.


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David Morgan
Global Industry and Solutions Marketing Lead for Manufacturing, Avanade

With over 20 years in the IT industry David is the marketing leader for the manufacturing industry at Avanade. David has wide ranging leadership experience from systems engineer, consulting sales, account management and solutions marketing. His focus at Avanade is to ensure Avanade’s GTM direction enables manufacturers to embrace new solutions and deliver tangible business outcomes.

Featured speaker

tom nall

Tom Nall

Tom Nall is a manufacturing industry and business professional, providing a great depth of experience to help manufacturers leverage technology to improve and accelerate their business performance. Starting with IBM, Tom has worked in the high-tech industry and applied those capabilities to the manufacturing sector, helping companies use technology to create and improve business value. After IBM, Tom’s experience grew into leadership roles with multiple companies in the Microsoft ecosystem and brought him to his current position as Director of North America Manufacturing Industry services and solutions for Avanade, a premier global Microsoft Partner, and Microsoft Partner of the Year.

Rob Hazelton

Rob Hazelton

Global Health and Life Sciences Lead, Avanade

Rob has 25+ years of experience in business and technology consulting, building and leading professional services organisations that leverage the latest technologies to innovate and deliver value for clients. Today, Rob leads Avanade’s Health & Life Sciences business globally. Previously, Rob spent several years in biotech and pharmaceutical at multiple companies, including GlaxoSmithKline. While in BioPharma, Rob operated in product management and promotion within multiple disease states. This included new drug launches to add drugs to payor formularies and detailing mechanisms of action to clinicians.


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