
CMHC transforms its technology to help more Canadians secure a place to call home

Business Situation

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is a Crown corporation that operates in mortgage loan insurance, assisted housing, securitisation and policy and research. With custom-developed, siloed technology and islands of data throughout the organisation, workplace efficiency and effectiveness became a challenge. The company wanted to modernise and change the way it worked by embarking on a digital transformation.


Drawing on our expertise across the full suite of Microsoft technologies, Avanade helped modernise the CMHC workplace by building a new, secure infrastructure on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. We also introduced new collaborative tools, including Microsoft Office 365 and Skype for Business. In transforming the company’s ERP and CRM systems, we helped build out CMHC’s business solutions to better serve its clients.


The new platform allows employees to add more value to their jobs and spend less time moving paper or data information around. With a modern workplace, employees no longer struggle with the company’s systems and can focus on what matters – helping Canadians find a secure place to live.

Find out more about how to make your workplace a creator of sustainable value.


Microsoft Azure

Explore o poder sempre crescente da nuvem.


Microsoft 365

Redefina a experiência no ambiente de trabalho.

Skype for Business

Conectando equipes em toda a parte para alcançar mais em conjunto.


Ambiente de Trabalho Moderno

Para aumentar a vantagem competitiva, pense além da EX com plataformas modernas e tecnologia otimizada.

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