

How to skyrocket your career with Julenne Concension

  • Geplaatst op maandag 28 november 2022
  • Leestijd 3 minuten
Avanade Recruitment Marketing Lead Julenne

Give some thought about the place you would like to be at in your career. What does it take to get there and what are the specific skills you would need? Carving out your own career plan is highly encouraged by Avanade. Instead of leaving it to external circumstances, you will get more out of your career if you really think about what gives your work meaning and a purpose. If you are willing to take the next step, possibilities come along for you.

In this series, we will be highlighting the careers of Avanadi. Exploring what steps they have taken to get where they are now and how they see the further development of their careers. This entry spotlights Julenne Concension, European Recruitment Marketing Lead at Avanade

Aspects of business

For her studies, Julenne chose a broad-based education in International Business and Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam: “During this time I was eager to learn the many aspects of running an international organization such as sales, finance, marketing and HR. I noticed that my favourite subjects were all about marketing, which helped me stimulate my creativity and stretch my thinking. Hence once I graduated, I started to look for a marketing position, which led me to apply at Avanade.

Open work culture

Julenne started her career at Avanade in 2011: “I started as a junior marketeer in the Netherlands Field Marketing team and was introduced to the open working culture of the company. The transparency and open communication between management and team members created a positive work culture where I felt heard and valued. I was allowed to make mistakes, learn from them and start over. Implementing your own ideas is still highly encouraged, which is one of the reasons I am still here.”

Sharing our company’s story

“One of my first responsibilities was the introduction and use of social media for external communications. Corporate use of social media platforms was still new back then and this gave me the opportunity to work with marketing colleagues all over the world to define and shape our online presence and strategy. I am still experiencing a lot of freedom in the workplace: working from home, crafting my own career path, exploring ideas with peers and more. I transitioned from a junior position to a consultant and then being responsible for the full marketing strategy and execution of Avanade in The Netherlands. In December 2021, I moved to our Recruitment Marketing team as the European lead, allowing me to authentically tell the Avanade story in order to attract qualified talent and engage existing employees. Also, I can use my creativity in new projects and campaigns.”

Generating unique campaigns

In her day-to-day-activities, Julenne combines business projects with campaigns on diversity and social issues: “At Avanade we want to offer an inclusive workplace where employees feel comfortable being their authentic selves. This includes convincing and enabling more women to choose a career in technology and increase the number of women in leadership roles. To do this I have met with many female leaders at Avanade, and I feel inspired to hear their stories and how Avanade invests in programs to ensure professional success and well-being. It makes me curious to what my future holds at Avanade. For now, I am focused to thrive and grow in my current role, helping my team to achieve high performance and unlock their full potential.”

Click here for more information on careers at Avanade.

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