Business Development Manager - Banking
Pays: France
Villes: Paris
Description du poste
This posting is for a future job opportunity. To support the needs of our clients, Avanade is actively recruiting and interviewing for the role outlined below, as we continue to build on another year of growth in our business. Now, with more than 60,000 employees around the globe, we are positioning our organization to effectively prepare for the future. What does this mean for you? We encourage you to apply and interview for this role without the need to decide now. This allows you to connect with leaders and hiring managers at a pace that works for you and when roles become available, you will be the first know.

Avanade is looking for Business Development Managers Banking who are deal hunters, deal makers, originators and self-starters who can develop and win new business in a complex consulting environment with sophisticated technology solutions. Avanade is looking for Business Development Managers who have superb interpersonal skills and who can establish strong relationships within new & existing clients within the Microsoft ecosystem.
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Détails supplémentaires
There is one in every group - the person who dreams big and has the motivation to bring their ideas to life, even as others might roll their eyes and prefer to play it safe. Are you that person? Are you the one who isn’t afraid to break the mold and who gets passionate about the power of digital to transform organizations and ways of working? Because we are building teams of people like that to help our clients unlock the power they need now and own what is next. Together we do what matters.
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Contacts presse

Amérique du Nord


Europe et Moyen-Orient (EME)


Marchés en expansion


Siège social

Amérique du Nord
Siège social mondial
1191 Second Avenue
Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98101

30 Fenchurch Street



Marchés en expansion
Siège Singapour
Avanade Asia Pte Ltd
250 North Bridge Road
#30-03 Raffles City Tower
Singapour 179101