
These are exciting times in retail. The richness of retail experiences has never been greater. And, the possibilities for brick and mortar stores to be an integral part of a retailer or brand’s customer experience are limited only by their imagination, innovation and execution.

Brick and mortar stores are essential to retailers’ growth plans and their continued quest for greater relevance in their customers’ lives. With a changing landscape, four retail upstarts offer valuable lessons to larger retailers weighed down by legacy.

Our Future of Stores Point of View showcases four retailers that are offering a valuable glimpse into the Future of Retail.

Download: The Future of Stores Point of View

What digital forgot: The retail frontline

Avanade and Microsoft partnered with Incisiv to survey retailers across the US, UK, Germany and France to get a glimpse into the frontline workforce.

The Phygital Generation in Retail

How market makers will shape retail in the Digital Age.

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