What matters to SOS Children’s Villages is connecting donors to children in need
Achieving what matters
When children and young people are left without parental care, SOS Children’s Villages – an international nonprofit – is there. Thanks to a new solution designed to link needs with funds, employees at the nonprofit are now more easily able to show donors exactly where their money is going to help children, offering visibility into all the open projects where the need is greatest. Finance and programs are integrated into a single system across the organization, changing the way employees work day-to-day with modern tools that will fit their needs for years to come.
Inspiring change
SOS Children’s Villages understands that each child is unique. Employees across the globe offer care and support that’s appropriate to the needs of each beneficiary they work with, taking into account their unique experiences, culture and wishes. They do this using a three-pillar approach of prevention, protection and advocacy to create systemic change.
With important activities and programs taking place in more than 130 countries around the world every day, leaders wanted to standardize processes across regions using a single ERP solution for operations, accounting and HR management. They wanted to provide full visibility and transparency for donors into where their money is going and needed a tool that could automate reporting and budget activities on all levels.
Driving innovation
Since employees were already comfortably using Microsoft 365 tools on the Microsoft Azure cloud, a move to the future-ready Microsoft Dynamics 365 was a logical step forward. We worked together to develop a Dynamics 365 nonprofit (NPO) accelerator, ensuring implementation was quick and on-budget. The platform meets the organization’s needs for financial and funds management, program and grant management, HR management and planning by keeping all data together and automating reporting.
We then developed a tool called "Linking Needs and Funds", which presents all the open projects to donors based on which ones need the most funding. For example, if the nonprofit is building a school in South Africa or a new village in Brazil, donors can see those projects based on their past activities.
Since implementing Dynamics 365, the platform has been rolled out in nearly 30 countries, with an additional 50 planned for the near future. Now, both employees and the nonprofit’s donors are in a strong position to continue helping children and young people in need for years to come.
Deliver innovative nonprofit experiences for customers and employees by intelligently balancing human and digital interactions.