Account Leadership
Avanade X, Client Services Lead- Northeast Region
Country: United States
Cities: Boston, Hartford, New Haven, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland (ME), Providence
Job description
The Client Services Lead (Manager) for Avanade X is responsible for building strong, trusted client relationships for our most strategic accounts within the region, providing value to the client far beyond a contract or statement of work (SOW.)
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This role partners with our clients to uncover their needs/wants to create and deliver valuable, quality solutions. This role is accountable for managing NE Region client engagements, client satisfaction, and ultimately driving revenue growth for the region through exceptional project delivery, relationship building and client management. This role reports to NE Client Services Lead. Together we do what matters. 
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North America
Global Headquarters
1191 Second Avenue
Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98101

30 Fenchurch Street



Growth Markets
Singapore Headquarters
Avanade Asia Pte Ltd
250 North Bridge Road
#30-03 Raffles City Tower
Singapore 179101