

Why leading Tech for Social Good for Avanade UKI is more than a job for me

  • Posted on March 3, 2021
  • Estimated reading time 2 minutes
Why leading Tech for Social Good for Avanade UKI is more than a job for me

I remember growing up, my mum always used to tell me and my sisters, if you have nothing in this world apart from a roof over your head and some potatoes in the cupboard you are going to be fine! Strangely, I always have potatoes in my cupboard - usually sprouting because I haven’t used them, but at least they are there!

One thing I have always been passionate about is giving back. I started doing monthly direct debit donations to charities about 25 years ago and as long as I can carry on doing that, I will. I can't always spend the time volunteering for charities, but I can help them in this way. Sometimes a small contribution can make a huge difference is someone else’s life. The list of charities I donate to monthly has grown over the years and I am really proud that I can do that.

When I was asked to become an exec sponsor for our Corporate Citizenship programme, I was delighted to accept. Even more delighted when I was asked to take over our Tech For Social Good sector in UKI as well. It allows me to combine my passions for delivering excellence to our clients, as well as doing good in the world, so it's the perfect job for me! 

My younger sister was born with epilepsy and we have always been very protective of her. When we moved to Folkestone, we found there was no charity or support group in the area for people with epilepsy and their families, so we set one up! Having people to talk to about the challenges they face and how to get help and support is so important. My sister's seizures are very rare these days, and she is a community safeguarding lead in Thanet and a leading force in getting people access to the right support.

Since the global pandemic hit, donations across the sector have taken a huge hit with a predicted one in ten charities facing bankruptcy within the next six months. Whilst donations to NHS charities have increased, the impact is being felt much wider with charities' operating costs taking a hike. The prediction is that it will get worse before it gets better as the demand on social care and mental health charities becomes more apparent.

Whether you can donate time or money, doing something that makes a difference to someone else’s life is one of the most rewarding things you can do. So make sure that this year you don't miss out on donating your last hours to the Trussell Trust – a cause that really matters.

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