

Hitting milestones: Celebrating 1,000 employees at Avanade Brazil

  • Posted on April 3, 2019
  • Estimated reading time 3 minutes
Avanade Brasil office

This is the first in a two-part Q&A series with our people who have been with us from the very first day we opened for business in Brazil. In their own words, these ground-floor innovators talk about the growth both they and Avanade have experienced since the very beginning.

Name: Marcelo Serigo
Role: Growth Markets Chief Technology Innovation Officer
Date you joined Avanade Brazil: Transferred from Accenture to Avanade on October 1, 2010

Q. Describe your first day with Avanade Brazil.
A. I still remember my very first day with Avanade Brazil vividly. It was a fresh start for us, there was a buzz of excitement and we were (and still are!) ambitious for the growth opportunities. It was akin to a highly anticipated launch of a start-up, with a great level of support from Accenture and Microsoft.

As part of the pioneering team of people in Avanade Brazil, we had the opportunity and creative room to design the roles we needed to build our business in the region. We got off to a bold, accelerated start when we won a significant project on our second day of business in Brazil, with one of the country’s largest financial services companies, to design a digital workplace and create an inspiring employee experience for their people.

Q. Tell us a bit more about your inspiring career journey with Avanade.
A. I started with Avanade as a Group Manager, overseeing the Collaboration & Data Service Line and led a large Digital Workplace project for one of Brazil’s largest financial services companies. As the Collaboration and Data Service Line was a very new concept to us at that time, we were driven and focused on building the capabilities of our people to become experts in collaboration and SharePoint.

True to our bold and fresh approach to ideas, we seized the opportunity to set up an Innovation practice – an initiative which gave me tremendous room for growth and leadership development. I assumed the role of Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Avanade Brazil and subsequently worked with our leadership to launch our Digital Market Unit (or solutions area) and the Advisory Practice in Brazil.

All these invaluable experiences, the tremendous level of support from our people and the mentorship from our leadership which I truly appreciate helped me grow into my role today as Growth Markets Innovation lead. I am privileged to work with a passionate and talented team of people, in a global company where we embrace and celebrate our diversity, and always treating one another with integrity and respect.

Q. Your proudest human impact moment at Avanade is...
A. The privilege to witness the growth of Avanade Brazil from day one to where we are today. Knowing that Avanade is now part of 1,000 people’s lives and seeing how we continue to make a genuine impact through what we do for our people and clients feels like a dream come true for me.

What never ceases to amaze me each day is the culture we continue to keep intact that’s uniquely Avanade – we remain nimble and agile even as we continue to grow, passionate and keeping a high level of energy in everything we do for our clients and people (that’s probably because we are Brazilians!).

Q. Our people at Avanade Brazil are best described as…
A. Innovative, fun and hardworking.

Q. What are the three ingredients that made you feel confident and cared for at Avanade?
A. That’s easy! The opportunity to transform yourself (as long as you embrace a growth mindset) while being at forefront of cutting-edge projects and cool, emerging technologies.

Q. The one place visitors to Brazil should not miss is…
A. Paulista Avenue on Sundays! It is often referred to as São Paulo's version of New York's Times Square and is the heart of our city. It is one of São Paulo's busiest and longest avenues, and one of the best spots to soak up the Brazilian sights, sounds and culture.

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