

Julian Tomison


Julian Tomison joined Avanade in September 2009 and is an Avanade UK Executive. With a background in package implementations and consulting, Julian focuses on partnering with Avanade’s clients to realise the benefits and value that can be delivered through the innovative use of the Dynamics products and the whole Microsoft stack.



Partnership with Prince’s Trust gives youths a head start

Posted on April 14, 2015

Teamwork, leadership, performing under pressure – they’re all vital skills for the workplace but not all of them can be learnt in the classroom. The life experiences we have that develop us into being resilient, perseverant and persistent in our work ethic, can be what set us apart in job interviews and ultimately, the workplace. One organisation t...


Avanade Spotlight

Avanade outreach programme spotlights careers in tech

Posted on March 5, 2014

Do young people have the wrong idea of what it’s like to work in a technology role? Maybe they just haven’t had the opportunity to get a peek at what it could be like working at a technology company like Avanade. We feel that there are some negative impressions out there and we want to change that with our Outreach Programme. The Avanade Outreach ...


Avanade Spotlight

We’re not all geeks: changing perceptions about technology careers

Posted on February 7, 2014

Innovation. Collaboration. Creativity. These are the new tenets of technology so forget the old images of geeks sitting in front of computers all day. There’s a wide range of roles in technology whether it’s designing new interfaces or interacting with a variety of companies and clients. The truth is, it takes more than your typical computer coders...


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