

June 2015

2 articles


Avanade Spotlight

Passion for technology and people makes a career difference

Posted by Avanade News on June 29, 2015

The following blog post was written by Avanade alum Chris Miller. At Avanade, IT means “Innovation and Transformation,” and that’s nowhere more apparent than in the way our internal IT team leads the way in understanding and leveraging new technologies to position our company for success and to serve our clients. We are actively transforming our ow...


Technology in Action

How data analytics speeds Williams Martini Racing

Posted by Avanade News on June 5, 2015

The following is a guest post by Colin Burrell, Williams Client Executive at Avanade One of the exciting aspects of working with Williams Martini Racing is that we can literally see the results of our work circling around the track. At the same time, we can tap into data analytics in real-time to understand where we can help the team improve. Thi...


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