

February 2015

2 articles


Women at Avanade

Mentoring new women in technology via Ada Developers Academy

Posted by Avanade News on February 19, 2015

This is a guest blog post written by Avanade alum, Lisa Jordan. Avanade is a community committed to diversity, and we continue to attract and retain strong women across our skill families and levels. Over the course of my 9-year career with Avanade, I've had a growing passion for helping to remedy a lack of women in the technology sector.  My first...


Career Focus

Avanade partners with Amsterdam business school

Posted by Avanade News on February 9, 2015

The following blog post was written by Avanade alum Pieter Wickel. In May 2014, we started a pilot with the Amsterdam Business School to create a tailor-made premaster MBA like program for Avanade employees. The program aims to provide our experts with tools to bridge the gap between business challenges and our own IT-solutions. We’ve named the pro...


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