

Heath Whelan

Heath is Avanade’s Global GTM Lead for Applications & Infrastructure, partnering with our Offering Development, Centers of Excellence, Sales, Marketing and Alliance teams to drive Growth & Strategy.

Heath joined Avanade in his hometown of Melbourne Australia in 2003 and has since held a range of leadership roles across Growth Markets and North America, including managing Avanade’s relationship with Microsoft’s Product Engineering group, launching our Advisory business, Financial Services Lead for the Accenture Hybrid Cloud solution for Microsoft Azure team and running our Infrastructure Services business in Asia-Pacific. Heath has a Bachelor of Information Technology from Swinburne University (Australia) and a Master of Business Administration from Melbourne Business School (Australia).


Cloud Computing

Rethink how you partner for value on your cloud journey

Posted on October 20, 2021

However you see the cloud opportunity, make sure your partners’ incentives are anchored in your vision of value.


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