
Setting an example of excellence in our community

The Reign FC Legends Campaign is a partnership between Reign FC and Avanade. At each regular season home game, one woman is honored as a Reign FC Legend in recognition of her extraordinary contribution to our community and beyond.

Legends are chosen from corporate, non-profit, academic, athletic, and civic organizations with a presence in Washington State where they have made a lasting impact in their respective field or discipline. Some of the characteristics of Legends include: Leaders, Innovators, Pioneers, Passionate, Generous, Influential, Distinguished.


Learn more about the Reign FC Legends Campaign

Read about the extraordinary women named Reign Legends and how they have contributed to the community.


Corporate Citizenship

We like to help. Not just our clients, but also the people and places where we live and work.

More about corporate citizenship

Corporate citizenship is a story we write every day. We focus on helping improve the lives of people in the communities where we work and on the planet that we share.

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