Fugro comes together with Microsoft Office 365

Infrastructure and Transportation
Microsoft Teams
Skype for Business

Business Situation

Fugro, a worldwide leader with over 10,000 employees in more than 60 countries, is a professional services company that acquires, analyzes and advises on geo data and infrastructure such as bridges, railways, roads and power lines.

Fugro previously had a decentralised structure, where each business that it had acquired over the previous 50 years operated within its own local culture and with its own tools. This created multiple siloes in the company, and leaders understood that it needed to become “one Fugro” in order to meet the expectations of its clients.

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Avanade proposed that Fugro take a global approach to connect all users with Office 365 and promote the tools to employees in a consistent way. We helped to gather its objectives and user requirements. At the start of the implementation, not all Fugro employees were already using Office 365, so we worked to get all users onto the same page and using the platform in the most effective way for the company. We also developed a change management program that addressed both the technical side of the platform and the behavioral changes that Fugro wanted to achieve.


This project will change the way Fugro supports and collaborates with its clients by allowing the company to reach them in new ways – including webinars, videos and recorded sessions. Fugro employees have embraced the platform and have begun sharing files and using Skype to have meetings across the world. They learned how to use the platform by working together, which has proven to be effective. In the future, Fugro wants to combine its geo data set with the capabilities of Azure and SharePoint, which will help it stay ahead of its competition.

Find out how we can help you define the future of collaboration with Microsoft Office 365.

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