Accenture and Avanade keep 1.2 million health and social care workers connected through NHSmail

Government and Public Services
Microsoft Teams
Future of Work
Modern Workplace
Client story

Business Situation

NHSmail is the national collaboration platform for the NHS and social care system in England. This platform delivers email and collaboration capability to approximately 1.2 million users across 16,000 separate NHS organisations including primary and secondary care, pharmacies, dentists, social care and many other healthcare services. The COVID-19 crisis placed significant demands on operational service delivery within the NHS and on keeping care teams connected from remote locations.


In response to this demand, NHS Digital and the Accenture team, supported by key engineering resources from Avanade, worked closely with Microsoft and NHS to rapidly implement Microsoft Teams for all 1.2 million users of NHSmail.


Within a period of seven days, the joint team built and tested the Microsoft Teams integration, including the implementation of a full support model for all 1.2 million users. Professionals and others are now able to use the platform to securely send instant messages, complete audio and video calls and host virtual meetings between users across England.

Find out how we can help you connect your teams to achieve more together.

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