What matters to VODIUM is helping people present with confidence

Future of Work
Media and Entertainment
Cloud and Applications
Microsoft Security

VODIUM’s virtual teleprompter alleviates people's public speaking anxieties by making video conferencing, presentations and the like easier and less stressful. We partnered to scale the solution – which displays text right on a user’s computer screen – to meet the technical requirements of larger enterprise clients and their employees. For presenters, it’s about putting the human touch back into digital interactions.

Business situation

Thanks to the rapid increase in virtual interactions over the past few years, VODIUM’s founders knew that the way people communicate and connect has fundamentally changed. With the rise of remote work and collaboration, nuances and expressions get lost through the screen, and many people lose confidence in delivering presentations. The founders saw the chance to create a virtual teleprompter solution to help the millions of people now talking to screens rather than face to face.

While VODIUM found early success in the B2C market, it soon became clear that there was a significant opportunity in the B2B market as well. To capitalize on this, leaders knew that they’d need to meet the unique technical requirements of large enterprise clients.


To take this next step, they connected with Avanade's Emerging Technology team. Together, we assessed the company’s software architecture, formulated a long-term enterprise product development plan and designed a scalable architecture that became the backbone of VODIUM’s next generation product.

As an example, one of the first features implemented was two-factor authentication to make VODIUM compliant with firewalls and security on enterprise computers. This, and other critical features, prepared VODIUM’s product and service offerings for its new B2B opportunities.


Now, VODIUM is in a great position to license and deploy its software securely within large commercial enterprises. Employees can work with their B2B clients without constraint, helping them better support their own employees’ performance and well-being by providing them with the tools they need to deliver presentations confidently. After all, clear communication, whether while pitching an idea, presenting a specific subject or assisting a client, ensures that every participant gains something valuable from their interaction.

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Growth Markets
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250 North Bridge Road
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Singapore 179101