
Join us to discover new opportunities and more efficient ways of working with Generative AI in the Healthcare Industry.

We are thrilled to invite you to register for an upcoming discussion on "Generative AI in Healthcare: Transforming the Future of Care." As a valued member of the healthcare community, we believe that you will find this event truly insightful and thought-provoking.

Come prepared to expand your knowledge and engage in stimulating discussions with healthcare leaders, as we unravel the endless possibilities of generative AI in healthcare.

What you will learn

  • Learn why generative AI is poised to reshape the future of healthcare
  • How the journey can be small steps, rather than giant leaps
  • Hear how generative AI can be used to enhance diagnosis accuracy, personalise treatments and streamline healthcare operations
  • Experience a live healthcare demonstration of Generative AI
  • Wrap up with a discussion about the responsible use of AI in healthcare

Our distinguished panel of speakers will explore the various applications of Generative AI, including medical imaging analysis, patient data analysis, and personalised treatment plans.


We look forward to welcoming you to the Microsoft Technology Centre to discuss "Generative AI in Healthcare: Transforming the Future of Care."

'New Date/Time to be announced soon, stay tuned!’
Location:  Microsoft Technology Centre
                  Level 15
                  1 Martin Place,
                  Sydney NSW 2000

The session includes a live demonstration of Generative AI, as well as an opportunity for you to take part in an Immersion Assessment with our experts, to understand the unique benefits and opportunities for your organisation. At the end of this event you will also have the opportunity to join the experts and other attendees in a relaxed networking session.

What you will receive
For participating, you will also receive our latest “Generative AI in Healthcare Guide” with practical high value use cases; information about where is the best place to start using generative AI and how to create a responsible AI framework. Let's shape the future of healthcare together!

Questions please contact: marketing.australia@avanade.com

Avanade has been at the forefront of this incredible technology, working with Microsoft as they bring their own Generative AI technology to the market, and helping clients discover the value that Generative AI can bring.
Join representatives from Accenture, Microsoft and Avanade for an interactive session. The combined power of our alliance will help your organisation navigate the shifting landscape of the Healthcare sector. We understand the business value of Generative AI and can help your organisation unlock the full potential of this developing technology.


Dr Simon Kos bio

Dr Simon Kos
Microsoft Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Simon Kos is an internationally recognized leader in digital health, working in senior executive roles for over twenty years. He is a registered medical practitioner who has practiced critical care medicine in Australia. He holds an MBBS from UNSW, an MBA from AGSM and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Digital Health (FAIDH).

Significant past roles include global chief medical officer of Microsoft based in Seattle, CEO of Next Practice, Physician Executive with Cerner, and the co-chair of the Global Commission to end the Diagnostic Odyssey for children with a Rare Disease.

He is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Microsoft ANZ, a mentor in both NHS and Australia’s Clinical Entrepreneur Programs, a casual lecturer at UNSW School of Medicine, and an advisor/investor in digital health start-ups.

Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards
AI & IOT Lead, Avanade

Jim is the Data Platform Modernisation lead for Avanade in Australia. He specialises in assisting clients in the adoption of machine learning and advanced analytics, working closely with Microsoft to leverage the latest capabilities in AI to solve complex business problems and accelerate transformations. A key part of his role involves working with some of the largest organisations in Australia to introduce the latest Generative AI offerings in a to deliver maximum value for the end consumer while minimising risk.

Jim is currently working with global partners on the ethical and safe adoption of Large Language Models with specific focus on how these technologies will change the way service users and providers interact with large datasets.


Ross Campbell bio

Ross Campbell
Avanade Regional Advisory Lead

Ross has a passion for delivering value through a holistic view of ‘workplace experience’ - combining technology, culture & behaviours, process, operating model and even physical spaces. He has a specialisation in the ‘Future of Work’, Modern Workplace, Employee Experience strategy and re-thinking key elements of work for the frontline and others. Prior to joining Avanade in 2020, Ross spent 12 years in Management Consulting, leading multiple, significant transformations.


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